On July 15, 2016, we were joined by students from around the world who were kind enough to share their #WolverineSummers with us. Panelists included McKenna Eisert, Class of 2018, Communication Studies and Biology, currently a sales intern for Qualtrics in Dublin, Ireland (@myeyesert); Tracy Scherdt, Class of 2018, Residential College, intern at James and Grace Lee Boggs School in Detroit (@umtracyscherdt); Charles Wilkes, graduate student,  LSA’s Department of Mathematics (@CharlesEWilkes); Rachel Hai, Class of 2019, intern for LSA Internships Program (@rach_hai); and Kim Chan, Class of 2018, LSA Chemical Science (@umkimchan).



Each student brought something exciting to the table, discussing  summer experiences that ranged from studying for two months in Spain to interning at a school in Detroit.

The chat garnered more than 4.2 million impressions overall across 134 tweets total, with 100+ replies, likes, and retweets. With the UMich account alone, there were nearly 1,000 engagements with 19 contributors.


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Be sure to check out the full recap on Storify and join us for our next #UMichChat. As always, stay social and #GoBlue.