Victors 2020

Immensely impacted by the current state of affairs, the day to celebrate our seniors may be delayed, but that won’t stop us from recognizing their success and their stories. Throughout April, #UMSocial will be feature a different senior each day, featuring a word of their selection that defines their Michigan experience. Here, on this page, you can read more about what being a Wolverine means to them, wisdom for their peers, and their vision for the future. Congratulations, Class of 2020!

Bryson Rhodes



Bryson Rhodes, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“Don’t count your years, make your years count.”






Jenna Tanner, Class of 2020

Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design
“Since stepping on campus, I have had so many opportunities to learn and grow. More than just academics, I have had opportunities to travel the world through study abroad. I’ve met the most amazing people who I know will be lifelong friends.

Jenna Tanner

 As a design student, I have learned from my classmates, professors, and coworkers. Even the long nights spent in the UGLi were opportunities that I don’t plan on taking for granted any time soon! It is weird to think that it is all coming to an end in a few short months, but I know that I am incredibly grateful for all of the opportunities that I have been able to have a part of as a Michigan student.”







Archana PrabhakarArchana Prabhakar, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

“My time at Michigan has taught me everything about the kind of person I want to be in the future. I’ve learned that empathy and compassion are two of the most important and respected qualities a person can have, and I am dedicated to giving out as much positivity to the world as Michigan has given to me. I’ve met the most inspirational friends, taken the most thought-provoking classes, and been part of the most amazing passion projects. I never would have discovered my love for social justice advocacy had it not been for my esteemed professors and GSIs; they have motivated my future career as a lawyer and made me the ambitious person I am today. Through all the ups and downs, I can confidently say that I can’t imagine myself graduating from any other college in the world!”




“GratifyCharmi Patel ing”

Charmi Patel, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“I came to the University of Michigan as a quiet freshman not knowing a single person. Four years later, I’m leaving with countless cherished memories, irreplaceable friends, and a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. From every opportunity to every setback, I learned and I grew. For U-M, I will forever be grateful.”




“MeElsy Nounamorable”

Elsy Nouna, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

“U-M is forever to me. It’s hard to put into words how much my time at U-M means to me, but my feeble attempt would describe it as extraordinary, transformative, and unforgettable. I will carry the small memories, the big lessons, and lifelong friends with me everywhere. I am thankful for those, and for many other things that U-M gave me. I would have never wished for it to be anything different.”






Harrison MillerHarrison Miller, Class of 2020

Michigan Ross
“Still looking for those freshman-year sunglasses….
Over the last four years at Michigan, I’ve learned a lot (like how to grow a beard, and how to pose by the Michigan Union). But seriously, looking back, it’s wild to see how much I’ve grown from being around so many amazing people. I’m excited to see where the next four years take me.”






Layla Hak, Class of 2020

School of Public Health

Layla Hak“The best part of my four years at U-M was being able to connect with other communities and support the causes that are important to each of us. One of my favorite memories happened at the end of my sophomore year when my organization, Students Organize for Syria, had a vigil to honor the lives lost during a chemical attack on Syria. We rented out the Diag and invited all of our friends on Facebook, expecting a few of them to show up. Within the first half hour of the vigil, the Diag was nearly full of students and faculty from all over campus. It was such a heartwarming experience to see so many people come together to support this one cause. I don’t think I’ll ever forget how people really showed me the power of unity that day.”





Erika Van Buren, Class of 2020

Erika Van BurenSchool of Kinesiology
“I’ve been so blessed to call Ann Arbor home for the past four years, and I would give anything for another 6am wakeup before a football game, another midnight Jimmy John’s order to the UGLi, another class with my closest friends. But the senior class is moving forward after the most transformative four years of our lives. And now that we are, I realize my biggest takeaway from the University of Michigan is that it’s not the place that makes the people, but the people that make the place. The people that were with me for the 6am wakeups, the late-night Jimmy Johns, and the lectures in the School of Kinesiology all helped to shape my college experience. I am forever thankful for the University of Michigan for bringing us together. Forever Go Blue.”





Neil Desai “Transformative”

Neil Desai, Class of 2020

Michigan Ross

“Walking into the Big House for the first time. Playing football and spike ball in the Law Quad. Saying goodbye to ‘Michigan time.’ The late night grind in the UGLi. The Final Four celebration on South University. Hearing from Presidents and influential speakers. Getting lost in the Arb for hours.
“The common denominator? Friends. To my friends who thinks today is the end of the past four years, it’s really just the beginning of the next 80. I can’t wait to create new memories and watch how we all change this world.”






Rosanna Li


Rosanna Li, Class of 2020

Michigan Ross and School of Kinesiology
“Thank you, Michigan, for all the experiences and people throughout these past four years—good and bad. Biggest thing I’ve learned during my time here is to always trust your gut, because it’ll always point you in the right direction.”








Alex PorteAlex Porte, Class of 2020

Michigan Ross and School of Kinesiology
“I’m Alex Porte and I’m graduating with degrees in Sport Management and Communication and Media. While I’m sad to not have a graduation ceremony, I’m so glad I used my time here to get involved—as president of Michigan Sport Business Association, and with organizations like U-M Athletics, Wolverine Support Network, Michigan Rec Sports, U-M Club Lacrosse, and more. I’m thankful for the support of my amazing friends and family, and I’m glad I got to share campus with my brother, too. My advice to underclassmen is to find something outside of class you can take ownership of, and use that to make an impact! Who’s got it better than us? #GoBlue”





Shea Patterson


Shea Patterson, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“I lived the dream I had as a kid during my time at Michigan, literally.”





Justin Yakim

Justin Yakim, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

“You know your four years of hard work pays off when you finally get the row A tickets you dreamed of with the best student section in the world.”





Emily White


Emily White, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“Choosing to attend Michigan was the best decision I could have made for myself. Over the past four years, this school has opened doors to opportunities I never would have imagined possible. More importantly, though, Michigan armed me with the support to capitalize on those opportunities—dedicated professors, overwhelming school spirit, and loving friends.”






Kaitlyn RosenbaumKaitlyn Rosenbaum, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology
“They always say we are the leaders and the best but I never truly understood what that meant until now.
“Each one of these women surrounding me have accomplished so much during our 3.75 years here. Although we didn’t quite get the finish we imagined, I am so hopeful for our futures, and know each of us will be the leaders they always told us we would be!
“All of us traveled quite a ways away from home to find each other freshman year, and we’ve been there for each other every moment since.
“To the only group of girls I could sit on the couch with for hours, rally with, laugh at absolutely nothing with, take the bit way too far with, and most importantly quarantine with, I hope we all meet again soon. Do big things and forever go spaceship, and GO BLUE!”





Luke Testani


Luke Testani, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology
“My most unforgettable memory at Michigan would have to be winning back-to-back Big Ten Tournament Championships as a manager.”






“UnparRomy Sharmaalleled”

Romy Sharma, Class of 2020

Michigan Ross
“What I love most about Michigan is witnessing how pivotal and life-altering the four years are for each and every individual here. Each student you pass on the Diag is on a mission of their own. All of us arrived to Ann Arbor in 2016 bright-eyed and ripe for challenge, and are leaving passionate, mission-driven, and grateful. Forever Go Blue.
One of my favorite memories at Michigan was this year’s Notre Dame game. I’ve been to nearly every football game at Michigan since freshman year, and never have I felt so much passion for this school than witnessing 100,000 people staying put, soaked and freezing in their seats, roaring for their college, their alma mater, their pride, their soul. I was so proud to be a Wolverine, enclosed in a stadium with a massive, brilliant and gritty family. And that passion bleeds far beyond campus—I am yet to travel to a state or country and not stumble upon someone wearing a Block M. Forever Go Blue.”




Kate Waske“Legendary”

Kate Waske, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology
“Through the competitive excellence displayed by Michigan athletics, I have learned the true power and passion that leads our teams to greatness. I’ve witnessed the impact sport can have on a child’s life and the legendary traditions held by our oldest fans. Through sport we can hold ourselves to our highest standards and make the impossible…possible.”





Annelise Droste



Annelise Droste, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“I’ll miss living with my absolute best friends and the third-quarter dance at football games.”






Gloria Ha Eun Nam“Empowering”

Gloria Ha Eun Nam, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“My biggest goal during my four years here at U-M was to meet Jim Harbaugh. I never got the chance to meet him, but participating in College GameDay was an experience I will never forget. I loved going to football games with my friends and will cherish all the memories. Thank you, University of Michigan, for the best four years of my life. Forever Go Blue.”





Zavier Simpson



Zavier Simpson, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“Everything you want in life is on the other side of hard. #EmbraceTheSuck!!!”







Lauren CollordLauren Conrad, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology

“There’s a Winnie the Pooh quote that says, ‘how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.’ The University of Michigan has given me endless friendships from working at Rec Sports, to freshman dorms, to football Saturdays, and everything in between. There’s no way to put into words how much Michigan has done for me as an individual, academically and personally. For the class of 2020, this isn’t the ending we wanted or deserve, but it will never overshadow the amazing memories made over the past four years. Ann Arbor will always be my second home, and my favorite place to be. Forever, Go Blue!”





Meghan Mesojedec

Meghan Mesojedec, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology
“Four years on the University of Michigan cheer team taught me one thing more than anything: have absolutely no regrets. Cheer as loud as you want to at a sporting event, encourage a friend to try out for a team they never imagined participating on, and treat others with respect and kindness. I say I have no regrets because as we learned this year, your time doing what you love can be cut short right before your eyes. I leave the Michigan cheer team a national champion: one who put my heart into every practice, game, and competition. This being said, have heart in everything you do while you CAN! Cheer loud without fear of the fan next to you thinking you’re crazy, and try something that may be out of your comfort zone. It really may end up being your favorite memory of college!”




Alexa Alonso“Laughter”

Alexa Alonso, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology

“My time at U-M was everything I wanted and more, with senior year being my favorite part. Whether it was going to Blank Slate twelve times in one semester, being Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus for Halloween, or hanging out on our porch during the fall, every memory was created with my people. Every ounce of laughter and every moment spent with my best friends is something I will never take for granted, and I owe it all to the people I met at Michigan.”



“Saturdays”Dorothy Goldstein-Stahl

Dorothy Goldstein-Stahl, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology
“I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend a university that gave me my closest friends, inspiring mentors and unforgettable memories. For me, Michigan is not just my school, but my community, my home, my family, my team, and my identity. So, even though my four years are over, wherever I go, I’ll Go Blue.”




Kevin Pullukat


Kevin Pullukat, Class of 2020

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts 

“Michigan has been a dream come true. It has helped me find my best friends, challenged me to become a leader, and led me to discover a passion for working with children.”




Lynden Hines, Class of 2020Lynden Hines

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
“The memories I’ve made at the University of Michigan are unforgettable. These include moments in my classes, time spent with friends, and when I was clocked in for work. This university has provided countless opportunities for me to succeed in all areas of life, and for that, forever Go Blue.”





“Monumnetal”Lauren Guerard

Lauren Guerard, Class of 2020
School of Kinesiology

“Michigan will forever hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for some of the best years of my life. To all of the teams and athletic organizations that I was able to work with, both on and off campus, thank you for allowing me to learn, grow, and follow my passion. I am forever grateful for the unparalleled opportunities I experienced that make me who I am today. To everyone that helped me make memories—those are ones that will last a lifetime. Once a Wolverine, always a Wolverine. Forever, Go Blue!”





“Forever”Alyssa Price

Alyssa Price, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology 

“Michigan, you were everything I dreamed of and more, even without a graduation. Thank you for the most encouraging mentors who taught me to believe in myself, the best friends I will keep forever, the most incredible memories I will never forget, and the one saying that will never get old. Go Blue.”





“Opportunity” Grant Floto

Grant Floto, Class of 2020

School of Kinesiology

“I left my small, rural hometown four years ago eager to make new experiences and relationships. What happened next surpassed any expectation imaginable.

“I found people who I now consider family, I became a Resident Advisor (RA) for three years, I took on-field photos at Michigan Football games, I secured my dream job, and yes, I was fortunate enough to put together this #Victors2020 Instagram campaign to honor and congratulate my fellow seniors.

“I am so thankful for the life-changing opportunities and people the University of Michigan has given me, and I can’t wait to rep the Maize & Blue for the rest of my life.

“Thank you, @UofMichigan.”