- ICYMI: Twitter now supports GIFs The meme of video, these repetitive clips can help any celebrity snafu, movie line or Internet moment live on for an eternity. They have become the go to quick and easy way to translate a snarky comeback or sarcastic comparison visually. Through a partnership with Giphy, an aggregate GIF site, any user can now upload looping animations. Anxious to get started making a GIF of your own? Follow these easy steps from Gizmodo.
- Retweet with Comment 140 Characters, plus? According to SocialMediaWeek.org Twitter is experimenting with a new feature that will turn the content you’re retweeting into an image, thus freeing up just shy of 140 of your own to provide additional commentary. This comes in handy now that “quote tweet” has disappeared from the mobile app following Twitter’s most recent update. It should also save a bunch of us from having to translate “to” into “2” and “you are” into “u r,” making grammar teachers everywhere happy!
- Slingshot Ephemeral may just get my vote for the word of the year to banned by Lake Superior State University. Following Snapchat’s refusal to sell their popular disappearing image application to Facebook, in typical fashion, Facebook decided to create their own. Slingshot varies little from Snapchat with one major exception; users are required to “sling” a video or image to a friend before they’re allowed to open anything that has been received from that individual. The feature, Facebook believes, will encourage more frequent use. Have you “slung” any images your friends way? Tell us about it with #5Things!
- Media Habits of the Class of 2014, Facebook Still Reigns Among Teens For those of us in higher education, each year we are gifted a new target audience. An incoming class of freshman that are even more tech savvy than those that preceded them. Thanks to the excellent research from organizations like Niche.com we can discover the best way to connect and engage students and debunk popular myths in social.
- The inside scoop on images We all know visual is key to all social success. Be it a meme, GIF or viral video, we’re fighting millions of other pieces of content each day for newsfeed space. Make sure that what your social team is working hard to get in front of your consumers face looks its best with the perfect image pixels and dimensions. Postcron.com has created this fantastic resource covering all the major players, including mobile.